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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

Thursday, April 4, 2019

SecurityMetrics offers help with PCI Audit preparation

With the threat of data breaches ever present, compliance with the Payment Card Industry data, device and software security standards is integral to protecting payments enterprises and merchants from malicious intrusions. And, according to SecurityMetrics, conducting a PCI Audit is one way to make sure your organization is not leaving any holes for cyber criminals to slip through and steal cardholder data.

Before such an audit, it's critical to prepare in advance to derive as much benefit from an audit as possible. To facilitate this, SecurityMetrics is hosting a webinar on Wed., April 10, 2019, at 10 a.m. Mountain Time (noon Eastern).

In this webinar, Jen Stone (QSA, CISSP, CISA, MCIS) will discuss specific steps to take to prepare for an audit. "We want to help attendees understand what to expect from an onsite PCI assessment," she said. "We will cover what you need to do to prepare, how to properly scope your PCI environment, and how to get the most from an assessment." Stone is a security analyst at SecurityMetrics with an extensive background in information security and more than 30 years in information technology.

Stone further noted the need to know how to convey information about the card data environment and scoping to higher-ups in an organization. "It's important to understand the different card data environments and be involved with business stakeholders as they implement new ideas so that security is 'baked' into new projects."

Perspective from Pineapple Payments

The webinar will also include participation from Brian Gross of Pineapple Payments, which recently completed a PCI Audit. Gross, a self-taught web developer with prior CTO experience, joined Pineapple Payments in 2016 to lead operations with a specific focus on technology. In the webinar, he will share what his team learned from their PCI Audit experience.

In addition to leading webinars, Stone conducts risk and compliance assessments for merchants and health organizations and is part of the SecurityMetrics Large Audit team that serves the compliance assessment needs of universities. She has published numerous information security blog posts, speaks at conferences and training sessions, and is part of the team that creates SecurityMetrics' Guide to PCI Compliance.

To register for the webinar, visit https://info.securitymetrics.com/how-to-prepare-for-a-pci-audit-webinar. "If you can't make the live session, make sure to still register so we can send you the recording, but remember you'll miss out on the Q&A unless you're there live," SecurityMetrics stated. end of article

Editor's Note:

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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