A Thing
The Green SheetGreen Sheet

Friday, May 3, 2024

Interesting things we came across this week

If you want to break into the hospitality market, check out the National Restaurant Association's show coming up May 18 through 21, 2024, at McCormick Place in Chicago. According to the event's organizers, it is the largest gathering of foodservice professionals in the Western Hemisphere, with more resources, information and connection opportunities than any other industry event.

The association promises a future-forward experience where attendees will be able to discover everything it takes to stay revenue-driven and relevant. "Don’t miss this opportunity to test innovative new equipment designed to power automation and profits, engage with expert-led education on today’s hottest topics and build connections with key suppliers and foodservice professionals from around the world," the organizers added.

Could new clients be eager to meet you there? Find out at www.nationalrestaurantshow.com/why-attend

Eye-catching data-breach reporting

If reading research reports tends to make you sleepy, here's a lively quote from Verizon Business's latest Data Breach Investigations Report: "One might be forgiven for viewing the current state of cybersecurity as a colorful cyber Mardi Gras parade. Enterprise floats of all shapes and sizes cruising past a large crowd of threat actors who are shouting out gleefully 'Throw me some creds!'

"Of course, human nature being what it is, all too often, the folks on the floats do just that. And, as with all such parades, what is left in the aftermath isn't necessarily pretty. The past year has been a busy one for cybercrime. We analyzed 30,458 real-world security incidents, of which 10,626 were confirmed data breaches (a record high!), with victims spanning 94 countries."

To access the report, visit bit.ly/4bjpCQs

Ingenico addresses key challenges

"You already know that payment acceptance is driven by merchants and consumers habits," Ingenico stated when introducing new research conducted collaboratively with Edgar, Dunn & Co. "But do you know what are the key challenges merchants and retailers are and how to respond to them?" Answering that question, Ingenico shared results of a survey conducted across a broad spectrum of payment services providers and retailers, backed up with extensive secondary research.

Titled The Future of Payment Acceptance, how digital payments are changing the consumer-merchant relationship, the report is a blend of expert analysis and forward-looking perspectives "designed to empower merchants, banks, and payment service providers alike to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market by addressing their top discussion topics: partnerships, loyalty, speed to market, technology & innovation and SoftPOS."

For more information, see bit.ly/3Qz0ihp

Are you CEO material?

On May 3, 2024, RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. revealed that CEO and Director Gavin McMillan stepped down from his positions, effective immediately. "During his leadership, McMillan has been instrumental in focusing on the continued development of the API-driven Payment-as-a-Service (PaaS) model, which has continued to expand through key white-label partnerships and joint venture agreements and enhancing revenue streams," the company stated.

"The Board has commenced a comprehensive search process to identify a successor who will lead the Company into its next growth phase and ensure continuity in executing RevoluGROUP's strategic objectives. The search will include internal and external candidates, and the Board aims to complete the process promptly."

For further information, contact: RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. Telephone: (604) 332 5355 Email: info@revolugroup.com

Tips for ecommerce sellers

This guide might interest merchants in your portfolio who are engaged in ecommerce. Onramp just published primeday Playbook: Your eCommerce Seller's Guide to Winning Big. Introducing the guide, Onramp stated, "Prime Day isn't just another sales event – it's a gold rush for eCommerce sellers. Imagine a tidal wave of Amazon shoppers ready to snag deals. With strategic planning and the right tools, you can turn Prime Day into a profit bonanza for your business. Let’s get you equipped with everything you need to know before Amazon Prime Day 2024!"

The guide presents five key areas for retailers that address what Prime Day is and why it matters, prepping for Prime Day success, product selection and pricing, marketing and customer engagement, and fulfillment for Prime Day and beyond.

Find the guide at www.onrampfunds.com/amazon-prime-day-for-sellers end of article

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