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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

December 23, 2019 • Issue 19:12:02

Letter from the editors

As we bid farewell to 2019 and begin a new year ‒ and a new decade ‒ we reflect with appreciation on our readers, our partners and the dynamic industry of which we are a part. Since 1983, we've been reporting on developments of vital concern to payments professionals in an effort to empower, connect, educate and motivate budding and seasoned entrepreneurs who've made a home for themselves in this industry and made it what it is today.

We're proud to have a number of those pros on our Advisory Board, and we turned to them for insights and reflections while transitioning from this year to the next. In this issue's lead article, several of them share their perspectives on what led to success in 2019, the most striking developments of the past year, and what the primary issues are likely to be in the year to come. Additional members' perspectives will appear in our first issue of 2020.

Technology continues to play an essential role in our sphere. One contributing writer draws parallels between today and yesteryear, when analog technologies were just as disruptive as today's new technologies. Other experts discuss how APIs are revolutionizing payments and what they can do for merchants and the providers who serve them; how to find opportunities amid the consolidation, commoditization and increased competition in our realm; and what to watch out for when bringing grown children into the business, which complements our last issue's exploration of father-daughter working relationships.

No matter the time of year, there's typically plenty of breaking news to report. In this issue we've highlighted a Capgemini-Efma study that encourages building new, inventive banking models to bridge the divide between banks and big-tech enterprises; the NRF's report on record-breaking holiday spending over the long Thanksgiving-Cyber Monday weekend; an enterprising ewallet provider that eliminated processing fees; and new legal woes facing an online processor and multicurrency gateway.

As part of keeping you informed of potential upgrades to your offerings, we provide product and company profiles in each issue. Also included is our roundup of recent updates on company and individual professional milestones.

Thanks for helping us be of service to the payments community through your ongoing support of our efforts. We love the in-person feedback we receive throughout the year at tradeshows and welcome email feedback, too, at greensheet@greensheet.com.

And as another year unfolds, remember to send press releases to press@greensheet.com. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.

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